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What do we eat

We feel passionately that eating healthy and nutritious food is vital for child development and important in setting them up for a day of learning and play. Therefore, we will put a lot of thought into developing our menus, ensuring that we make the most of seasonal produce and limiting the amount of processed food used. The majority of meals will be cooked from scratch within the nursery kitchen.


Meal times offer value opportunities to develop independence, good eating habits and social skills. We promote this in a variety of ways, including timetabling snack and meal times into the nursery day to ensure that children can always sit together and eat in small groups. We will also encourage children, as appropriate to their age and stage of development, to serve and clear away their own meals and to wash their hands and faces when they have finished.


Children that are not in receipt of government funding have their meals included in the sessional prices, whereas children in receipt of government funding in the Little Lion/Jolly Giraffe room have the option to either bring in their own foods or to have those supplied by the Nursery. In line with our food policies we will cater for children with identified dietary requirements.


Menus are on a 2 week rolling programme, ensuring all children experience a wide variety of foods. Further information on menus can be sought on enquiry. Please contact us here.

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